If you are looking for cheap, wholesale, blank apparel in bulk from American Apparel, Wordans is the store for you. When shopping for American Apparel you can select from a wide range of items that include long-sleeve t-shirts, long-sleeve jerseys, tank tops, muscle tops, hoodies, sweats, and fleece tops.
We sell stocks that are designed for men, women, and everybody else in between, while most of our American Apparel products are customizable. While some of our American Apparel garments has been designed with 100 percent cotton fabrics, most of our stocks feature various cotton blends.
We have items that are 50/50 cotton and polyester blend, while we also have items that are produced with a tri blend of fabrics that include polyester, cotton, and rayon.
If you like our American Apparel collection you might also be interested in our blank apparel accessories, but before you do that here are a few reasons why you might want to buy American Apparel Blank Apparel from us.